Machine Learning Algorithmic Models for Forecasting Fuel Consumption by Vehicles of the Grain Crops Delivery

Viktoriia Kotenko

About the Authors

Viktoriia Kotenko, post-graduate, Vinnytsya National Technical University, Vinnytsya, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0033-3302


The analysis of the state of development and use of machine learning algorithmic models in road transport logistics systems has been carried out. The expediency of application of machine learning algorithmic model for predicting fuel consumption by vehicles during the grain crops delivery from agricultural enterprises to the grain elevator has been substantiated. The reggression machine learning algorithmic models: DT (Decision Tree) model and the RF (Random Forest) model for forecasting fuel consumption by vehicles is selected. On the basis of historical data of the enterprise that transports grain crops from agricultural enterprises to the elevator, forecasting of fuel consumption by vehicles with the use proposed models has been carried out. The resulting prediction of vehicle fuel consumption with the use the RF random forest model, as opposed to the values of individual decision trees, has a lower ability to retraining and greater flexibility to the limit of vehicle fuel consumption decisions. Evaluation of the specified models for forecasting fuel consumption by vehicles during the grain crops delivery from agricultural enterprises to the grain elevator has been performed according the following criteria: mean absolute error (MAE), root mean square error (RMSE), Total time and Training time. It has been determined that the best prediction of fuel consumption by vehicles during the grain crops delivery from agricultural enterprises to the grain elevator is performed by the RF random forest model, which provides a relative error of the obtained results of 4.6% with a standard deviation of ±0.1 and a total machine learning time of 4.8s. The obtained results of the researches can be used for the selection of the most efficient means of transport for executing orders of the grain crops delivery from agricultural enterprises to the elevator.


machine learning model, fuel consumption, random forest model, decision tree model, grain crops transportation

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Copyright (c) 2022 Viktoriia Kotenko