Air Pressure Control Systems in Vehicle Tires: Their Constructional and Functional Features

Alexey Prosyak

Alexey Prosyak, post-graduate, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Kharkov, Ukraine


The development and improvement of tire pressure and control systems in car tires is important because the tire pressure recommended by the developer plays a key role in the formation of the contact zone with the road surface. In accordance with the set goal, the analysis of tire pressure control systems of vehicles protected by patents, manufactured by leading manufacturers of these systems, have unique design features. It is noted that over the past decade, many research organizations and teams of scientists have paid considerable attention to improving the design of tire pressure management systems, among which are: - devices for centralized control of tire pressure, by means of which the air pressure in the tires can change during the movement of the car depending on road conditions; - devices for decentralized control of tire pressure allow to maintain the air pressure in each wheel separately depending on the load on the wheels and the conditions of interaction of the deformed wheel with the ground. At the same time, the presence of a large number of patents and designs of such systems requires some systematization, studying the problem of installing these systems on domestic cars. The aim of the article is to analyze the pressure control systems in the tires of vehicles, the study of their design features and functionality. To achieve this goal used a systematic approach to the analysis of this problem methods, methods of analysis of patents and designs of these systems, the method of classification, the method of generalization. The analysis allows us to recognize the prospects for the creation of systems focused on the use of digital technologies that provide automatic monitoring and regulation of pressure, automatic detection of damaged tires, the possibility of remote access to the system. The scientific novelty of the article is determined by the fact that it systematizes the data on the designs of the studied systems, identifies points that need improvement. The research allowed to determine the directions of improvement of pressure control systems in truck tires, what is the practical significance of this article.


tire, wheel, pressure, control, system, patent

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Copyright (c) 2022 Alexey Prosyak