Forecasting the Parameters of Body Machines for Solid Organic Fertilizers

Anatoliy Limont, Zlata Limont

About the Authors

Anatoliy Limont, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Zhytomyr Agrotechnical Collede, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2243-008X

Zlata Limont, student, Dnipro National University named after Oles Honchar, the city of Dnipro, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000–0002–0011–7386


The purpose of the article was to substantiate the trend of changing the basic mass and dimensional parameters of body machines for the application of solid organic fertilizers depending on their capacity. The analysis of constructions of machines of production by the enterprises in the territory of the former Soviet Union and modern Ukraine is carried out. The research methods were based on the study of the main consumer parameters of machines using the information provided in the Catalogs of agricultural machinery and advertising information of enterprises-manufacturers of body machines. Processing and generalization of the collected data is carried out on the basis of correlation-regression analysis and using standard computer programs. The load-bearing capacity of the machines was taken as a factorial feature in the study, and their weight and overall length, width and height were taken as effective. The range of variation, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation of factorial and performance characteristics are determined. There is a positive correlation between the mass of body machines, their overall length, width and height and load capacity of the machines with correlation coefficients of 0.959, respectively; 0.9000; 0.721 and 0.864 for correlation ratios of performance traits to factorial in the same sequence 0.960; 0.862; 0.859 and 0.840. According to certain correlation indicators, depending on the load capacity of the machines, the effective characteristics should increase. To finally clarify the nature and form of communication, the experimental values of the performance characteristics were aligned depending on the load capacity of the machines by the equations of direct power and logarithmic functions and exponents and hyperbolas. According to the calculated R2-coefficients, the best approximation to the experimental values of machine mass and overall length and height was provided by approximation of their change depending on load capacity by equations of lines with positive angular coefficients, and to experimental values of dimensional width by approximation of. It was found that depending on the load capacity of machines, their overall lengths and heights increase in a straight line with certain angular coefficients. The change in the overall width of the body machines for the application of solid organic fertilizers depending on the load capacity of the machines is described by the equation of increasing hyperbola.


body machines for solid organic fertilizers, weight, overall length, width, height, load capacity, correlation, regression equations

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Copyright (c) 2022 Anatoliy Limont, Zlata Limont