Predicting and Managing Reliability in the Application of Safety Devices with Deterministic Tripping Load

Aleksey Alfyorov, Oleksander Grynchenko

About the Authors

Aleksey Alfyorov, Associate Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technics Sciences), Vasylenko National Technical University of AgricultureKharkovUkraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0357-3141

Oleksander Grynchenko, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technics Sciences), Vasylenko National Technical University of AgricultureKharkovUkraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8045-8246


Reliability prediction of machinery parts being designed is primarily aimed at avoiding mechanical failures in service, caused by the influence of force mechanical interaction of parts among themselves and with the environment. Special attention should be given to sudden mechanical failures due to the fact that their development, unlike gradual failures, as a rule, does not lend itself to individual diagnosis and prevention. In addition, as practice shows, sudden failures can often occur in the initial operation period of the equipment, which adversely affects its competitiveness when it is introduced to the market. Most transport, agricultural, road-building and other mobile machines has operating conditions, use modes, and, therefore, modes of mechanical loads of elements with a wide range of variation. Most time, a machine normally operates under normal (nominal) load conditions, whereby long-term performance and durability should be provided. However, in some relatively rare cases, some parts of machines experience short-term and repeatedly repeated effects of extreme loads close to breaking or inelastic material deforming material details. The book is devoted to a brief review of the fundamentals of one of the many directions of science of reliability - predicting risks of sudden mechanical failures and associated reliability indicators. The safety factor is a generalized parameter which in many respects determines the future material consumption and the cost price of the designed product. Therefore, dependencies linking the safety factors of the machine parts with the predicted reliability indexes allows, at the design stage, to choose a rational and economically feasible option to ensure a sufficient level of reliability. The same concerns justification for tusing safety devices that provide mechanical reliability. Therefore, the use of a set of methods for forecasting and managing reliability stated in the book should improve the efficiency of work related to the design of engineering products. The above reliability models of elements and systems protected from repeated impact of overloads by means of a safeguard with a nearly constant actuation load can serve as a theoretical basis when being designed and during modernization of machinery elements to manage reliability rationally.


reliability, safety devices, sudden failure, extreme loads

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  • Copyright (c) 2021 Aleksey Alfyorov, Oleksander Grynchenko