Sector Rasterization Method for Images on a Video Device With Mechanical Scanning

Yelizaveta Meleshko, Dmytro Bakin

About the Authors

Yelizaveta Meleshkok,Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine

Dmytro Bakin, master student, Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine


The goal of this work was to create a method for sectoral rasterization for images on video devices with mechanical scanning that can be used for advertising purposes. Preparing an image for display on a machine with a mechanical sector scan requires the creation of software for transferring a classic rectangular raster to a sector raster. When implementing software for an embedded computing system of mechanical image scanning for advertising purposes, the task was to reproduce a raster image using concentrically located circles, which are divided into sectors. The ambiguity of the transition from a square to a sectorial raster lies in the variable area of the sectors as they move away from the center of the image. According to this fact, there are several sectors for each of the pixels near the central zone of the image, and several pixels for one sector to the periphery of the image. There is not possible to increase the resolution of a sector image due to hardware limitations, so a new method of sector rasterization for an image on a mechanically scanned video device was developed. The developed method combines algorithms that make it possible to transform a raster image into a sectorial raster using linear interpolation depending on the distance of the sector from the center of the image. Attention was also paid to assessing the time of the next complete revolution when starting the mechanical scanning system, which made it possible to reduce the time for obtaining a stable image from the moment the device was turned on. So, as the result of the research, the method of sectorial image rasterization was developed, as well as the algorithms that allow converting a raster image into a sectorial image were developed. Вased on the developed algorithms, the software product for an embedded image reproduction system and the software product for real-time video transmission over Wi-Fi communication with the conversion of a rectangular raster into a sector raster were created. By combining algorithms for converting a square raster to a sector one, the quality of image reproduction on a mechanically scanned video device was improved.


image rasterization, sectoral scanning, mechanical scanning, video device, microcontroller programming

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Copyright (c) 2020 Yelizaveta Meleshko, Dmytro Bakin