Automation of Batch Casting of Cast Iron Melts in the Chill Mold in the Production of Castings of Machine Parts for the Mining Industry

Viktor Lomakin, Viktor Pukalov, Viktor Dubodelov, Maksim Goryuk

About the Authors

Viktor Lomakin,Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine

Viktor Pukalov, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine

Viktor Dubodelov, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technics Sciences), Physical and technological Institute of metals and alloys academy of sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Maksim Goryuk, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Senior Researcher, Physical and technological Institute of metals and alloys academy of sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine


The analysis of the basic parameters of the dosage of molten iron in metal forms using the magnetodynamic installation MDN-6CH. A schematic diagram has been developed for controlling the electromagnetic systems of the unit. The technology of dosing and pouring metal into the chill mold has been developed in the manufacture of cast iron balls with a diameter of 40 and 120 mm. At the optimal casting temperature, the electrical parameters of the inductor (voltage Ui, current Ii, power Ri) were in the range Ui = 250-300 V, Ii = 480-520 A, Ri = 140-160 kW. When reducing the mass of metal in the crucible MDN-6CH using a control scheme made switching inductor from a voltage of 300 V to 250 V. The power was reduced by 15-20 kW, and the temperature of the metal remained within the tolerance of the technology of metal casting. Using the adopted dosing scheme, it became possible to cast metal at constant parameters of the electromagnetic system and the time of pouring. The technology of dispensing and pouring metal into the mold for the production of cast iron balls with a diameter of 40 and 120 mm was carried out at an inductor voltage of 300 V, and the electromagnet - 220 V. The initial level of metal on the drain socket was equal to 20 mm. The molding time of molds in the manufacture of balls with a diameter of 40 mm was 7.3 s, and balls with a diameter of 120 mm - 16.2 s. The operating time of the electromechanical actuator was set in the manufacture of balls with a diameter of 40 mm - 0.35 s, and balls with a diameter of 120 mm - 0.75s. The consumption of metal in the manufacture of balls with a diameter of 40 and 120 mm was in the range of 0.7-0.75 kg / s and 1.65-1.70 kg / s, respectively. The metal casting was carried out at temperatures of 1320-1340 ° C and 1360-1380 ° C. The dosage accuracy was determined by weighing the metal of the poured balls and the molding system of the mold. Mathematical processing of the results of the dosing showed that in the manufacture of balls with a diameter of 40 mm at a temperature of 1320 °C the error of dosing is 10-11%. With increasing iron temperature, the dosage error decreases and at a metal temperature of 1370 °C is 5-6%. In the manufacture of balls with a diameter of 120 mm at a temperature of iron 1330, the dosage error is 7-8%, and at a temperature of 1360 ° C - 3-4%. The study of the characteristics of the casting and dosing process of cast iron in the chill mold allowed us to develop the technology of casting cast iron melts, which provided the required metering accuracy and high productivity of the conveyor production of grinding bodies.


cast iron, melt, magnetodynamic installation, chill mold, control circuit

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Copyright (c) 2020 Viktor Lomakin, Viktor Pukalov, Viktor Dubodelov, Maksim Goryuk