Technological Schemes of Shaping In the Conditions of Dimensional Drocessing By an Electric Arc

Victor Nosulenko, Vitaliy Shmelyov, Alexander Golovanych

About the Authors

Victor Nosulenko, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technics Sciences), Centralukrainian National Technical University, Kropivnitsky, Ukraine

Vitaliy Shmelyov, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Centralukrainian National Technical University, Kropivnitsky, Ukraine

Alexander Golovanych, post-graduate, Centralukrainian National Technical University, Kropivnitsky, Ukraine


The increase in the efficiency of social production is associated primarily with the development of mechanical engineering and the widespread introduction of advanced technologies in production. The basis of mechanical engineering is metalworking, which is represented by various traditional methods of metal processing by cutting, machining pressure and casting, as well as electrophysical and electrochemical processing methods. In production, materials that are difficult to process by cutting are increasingly used for the manufacture of heavily loaded and critical parts. Such parts are usually manufactured by electrophysical processing methods. One of the progressive methods of electrophysical processing of metals, which provides wide technological capabilities, is electrical discharge machining, in particular, the method of dimensional processing by an electric arc. The implementation of specific technologies for dimensional processing by an electric arc and the development of appropriate technological schemes for shaping requires individual approaches and the application of the most technological methods. This requires the unification of these techniques and the development of appropriate recommendations. Based on the analysis and generalizations of theoretical and experimental studies and the practical implementation of the process of dimensional processing by an electric arc, technological methods are described in the form of rules for the implementation of the process. The results of the practical use of technology, machines and electroerosive heads, implementing the method of dimensional machining by an electric arc, according to the foregoing, confirming the previously mentioned advantages of the method compared to the known, traditional methods of electroerosive, based on the use of non-stationary electric discharges, namely: for a given processing quality 5 to 10 times or more of the method exceeds the productivity of the known methods, decreases by about half specific energy consumption, significantly lower cost of technological current power sources, and also provides ample opportunities for implementing the process due to various technological schemes of forming as by profiled and non-profiled electrodes, starting from traditional ones and to the fact that the proposed process can be effectively used on any metal-cutting machine tools without the last loss of their basic functions.


electric arc, electrospark processing, electroimpulse processing, electrodischarge processing, dimensional electric arc processing

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GOST Style Citations

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Copyright (c) 2019 Victor Nosulenko, Vitaliy Shmelyov, Alexander Golovanych