Determination of Patterns of Wear on the Crankshafts of Vehicles Engines

Kovalov Mykhailo, Holovaschchuk Mykhailo

About the Authors

Kovalov Mykhailo, Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), National Transport University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Holovaschchuk Mykhailo, post-graduate, National Transport University, Kyiv, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to analyze the regularities of the wear characteristics of the crankshafts of vehicles engines depending on the magnitude of the load on the friction surface, which continuously changes the gap between the rubbing surfaces, the hardness and cleanliness of the machined surfaces, the speed of relative movement of parts, viscosity, temperature and purity of oil, etc. In accordance with the stated goal, the article explores the peculiarities of the wear of the crankshafts and crankshafts. Providing the necessary operational performance of vehicle engines at the present stage of development of automotive and auto repair production requires improvement of their technical characteristics. One of the main causes of premature failure of vehicles engines is the wear of the tribosystem of the crankshaft neck - the sliding bearing. Wear of the crankshaft necks leads to a gradual change in their size, shape and condition of the surfaces due to the interaction of thin metal surface layers in the friction process. The nature of wear and tear patterns over time is explained by a number of non-random causes. These include: change in the contact area of the elements in the wear probe, change in the physical and mechanical properties of the materials of the parts in depth, increase in dynamic loads and deterioration of lubrication conditions as the gaps in the joints increase, etc. Thus, the leading process of wear of the tribosystem of the neck of the crankshaft - the sliding bearing is mechanical wear, which includes abrasive and fatigue wear. One of the main causes of premature failure of engines after major repairs, and in particular, the crankshaft cervical tribosystem - sliding bearing, is the level of methods used and the quality of strengthening of the crankshaft and crankshaft crankshafts. Therefore, the problem of increasing the wear resistance of the crankshaft crankshafts and crankshafts and in the whole life of the pair of crankshaft friction pairs - the sliding bearing is relevant today.


wear, crankshaft neck, vehicle engine

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  • Copyright (c) 2019 Kovalov Mykhailo, Holovaschchuk Mykhailo