Analysis of the Accuracy of the Reproduction of the Reference Trajectory by the Gough-Stewart Platform with the Control System for Various types of Tasks

Valerii Zozulia, Sergiy Osadchy, Mykola Melnichenko

About the Authors

Valerii Zozulia, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine

Sergiy Osadchy, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technics Sciences), Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine

Mykola Melnichenko, postgraduate, Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine


The purpose of the paper is to analyze publications aimed at obtaining an accurate estimate of the test signal reproduction by the Gough -Stewart platform with a specific control system for various types of tasks based on experimental data. At the same, to identify the features of the design, control system, type of test signal and experimental conditions that affect the accuracy characteristics of the Gough -Stewart platform. In the paper an analysis of researches on the estimation of the accuracy of the motion of the mechanism of the carrier system of the Gough -Stewart system in the dynamics was performed in the development of the reference trajectory, in particular, the circumference and the sinusoidal signal, that is, regular signals. On the basis of the analysis, the connection between the quality of the task of tracking the reference trajectory for various types of tasks performed, from the design parameters used by the control system of the Gough-Stewart platform was evaluated. As the analysis shows, the accuracy of reproduction depends on the speed of movement, and on the direction of motion. For a better evaluation of the accuracy of the control of the Gough-Stewart platform when performing a specific task, it is necessary to use as a test signal a signal that is as close as possible to the actual operating conditions. The analysis shows that used as a control system for the Gough-Stewart platform, robust and adaptive controls perform more precisely the reproduction of the trajectory than simple PD, PID. This also confirms the need for feedback that covers the entire carrier system of the Gough-Stewart platform, and not just each rod separately. It can also be seen that not one of the proposed control systems can guarantee the optimal use of the Gough-Stewart platform in order to achieve extremely precise characteristics.


Gough-Stewart platform, control system, reference trajectory, accuracy estimates

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Copyright (c) 2019 Valerii Zozulia, Sergiy Osadchy, Mykola Melnichenko