Dimensional Electric Arc Processing as the Next Stage of Development of Electric Discharge Processing

Victor Nosulenko, Vitaliy Shmelyov, Andrey Paschenko

About the Authors

Victor Nosulenko, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technics Sciences), Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine

Vitaliy Shmelyov, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine

Andrey Paschenko, post-graduate , Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine


According to existing concepts and accepted, sometimes by accident, terminology in the description of the electrodischarge processes, depending on the type of electrical discharges, current pulse parameters, voltage and other conditions, distinguish electrospark processing, high frequency processing, electroimpulse processing, electrocontact processing, short arc processing, quasi-stationary arc machining direct current, electric arc size processing, plasma processing, etc., each of which has different output characteristics, equipment and has area its industrial applications. The basis of any knowledge is the knowledge of the essence of the object. In this, in fact, is the main task of science. The logic of the development of knowledge leads to the need to clearly distinguish what constitutes the essence of the object, from what it seems, as we see it. Essence is a nodal point of internal communication of the main moments, sides of the object, and comprehend the essence of the object, it is to understand the causes and conditions of its occurrence, its determining properties, the laws of his life, characteristic of his contradictions, trends of development. In this connection, it has been shown that dimensional electric arc machining has a natural connection and the same physical nature with known methods of electrodischarge processing, and the dissimilarity of the methods of electrodischarge processing, their removal, which are observed, are only different forms of detection of the same physical essence. The stages of the development of electrodischarge processing are described, which allows us to conclude that the dimensional machining of an electric arc has a natural connection with known methods of electrodischarge processing, based on the use of a non-stationary arc discharge, and its appearance is prepared by the previous development of electrodischarge processing, is the natural development of the latter, and, consequently, dimensional electric arc processing can be considered as a method of electrodischarge processing. It is clear that the size of the electric arc can not solve all the problems of electrodischarge processing, therefore, not only does it exclude, but also envisages the widespread use of known methods of electrodischarge processing - electroscope, electromotive pulse and electrocontact, each of which has its own characteristics, has its area of industrial application and is continuously improved, complementing each other. Therefore, it can be noted that with the advent of dimensional machining with an electric arc, the technological capabilities of electrodischarge processing in general have increased significantly, its economic efficiency and competitiveness has increased with other methods of metal working and, above all, with the processing of metals by cutting.


electric arc, electrospark processing, electroimpulse processing, electrocontact processing, electrodischarge processing, dimensional electric arc processing

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Copyright (c) 2019 Victor Nosulenko, Vitaliy Shmelyov, Andrey Paschenko