Development features of welding and surfacing automation with industrial robots usage

Snanislav Geruk, Olena Sukmanyuk

About the Authors

Snanislav Geruk, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Senior Researcher, NSC “Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agricultural” NAAS of Ukraine, Zhytomyr Agrotechnical College, Zhytomyr, Ukraine,E-mail:

Olena Sukmanyuk, Associate Professor, PhD in Historical (Candidate of Historical Sciences), Zhytomyr National Agroecological University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, E-mail:


This research purpose is to highlight the activities of robots and robotic systems manufacturers for parts of machines repair by welding and surfacing. The paper highlights development of welding and surfacing automation with industrial robots usage, which dates back to the mid-70's of the twentieth century. The article deals with robots and robotic systems models that were developed and implemented in the production by the world leading countries firms, which produce more than a half of all robotized products in the world: Japan, Germany, USA, etc. Industrial robots are used for welding in active and inert gas with the consumable electrode and TIG electrodes in inert gas, this generates a significant amount of pollutants that adversely affect the staff. Thanks to special robots, a significant reduction of valuable surfacing metal and energy cost was reached, the sharpness of technological operations was increased and, consequently, the product quality was improved. The article indicates the scientific institutions - the Central Institute of Welding (ZIS) in the German city of Galli and the Institute of Electric Welding named after Y. O.Paton (Ukraine), that worked with the development of the machine parts repair new technologies, based on the additional material minimum layer application. Particular attention is paid to the firm "REIS-ROBOTICS" work, which developed the control devices for industrial robots basic standard functions for arc welding. These include automatic programming, the possible errors correction, robots automatic control in six degrees of freedom, the arc inflammation, the parameters adjustment, processing and rational choice of the working tool moving idle movements. The introduction and robots usage for welding and surfacing while the machine parts repair will allow to solve the creating complex automation problem on the new and higher scientific and technical level at enterprises, to reconsider the functions between a person and a machine, will significantly increase productivity. The industrial robots and robotic systems usage will ensure a product stable high quality, as well as the production mobile reconfiguration possibility.


history of development, industrial robots, welding, surfacing, repairing

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Copyright (c) 2018 Snanislav Geruk, Olena Sukmanyuk